Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

Making Friends In The Adult World


For most of us over the age of 10, the process of making friends can often be exhausting and time consuming.  Knowing where and how to start might make things a little easier.  Join us as we discuss the key elements needed to smooth out the process of forging long-lasting and meaningful adult friendships. This […]


Managing Stress/Self Care


In a fast paced, hectic world it can often be difficult to know how to achieve the healthy balance that is required to feel good and be successful on a daily basis, no matter how much stress gets thrown at you.  Managing stress/self care is a necessary skill that we all need to learn!  Self […]

Managing Stress/Self Care


In a fast paced, hectic world it can often be difficult to know how to achieve the healthy balance that is required to feel good and be successful on a daily basis, no matter how much stress gets thrown at you.  Managing stress/self care is a necessary skill that we all need to learn!  Self […]

Managing Stress/Self Care


In a fast paced, hectic world it can often be difficult to know how to achieve the healthy balance that is required to feel good and be successful on a daily basis, no matter how much stress gets thrown at you.  Managing stress/self care is a necessary skill that we all need to learn!  Self […]

Managing Stress/Self Care


In a fast paced, hectic world it can often be difficult to know how to achieve the healthy balance that is required to feel good and be successful on a daily basis, no matter how much stress gets thrown at you.  Managing stress/self care is a necessary skill that we all need to learn!  Self […]

Managing Stress/Self Care


In a fast paced, hectic world it can often be difficult to know how to achieve the healthy balance that is required to feel good and be successful on a daily basis, no matter how much stress gets thrown at you.  Managing stress/self care is a necessary skill that we all need to learn!  Self […]

Managing Anger Effectively


Anger is a normal, healthy emotion - but when it is not properly supported, it can start to get the better of us.  Anger released outward can become violent and aggressive - relationships with others begin to suffer.  Anger stuffed inward becomes depression - and our own confidence and ability to function in every day […]


Managing Anger Effectively


Anger is a normal, healthy emotion - but when it is not properly supported, it can start to get the better of us.  Anger released outward can become violent and aggressive - relationships with others begin to suffer.  Anger stuffed inward becomes depression - and our own confidence and ability to function in every day […]