Youth Counseling
Tacit Knowledge provides youth counselling for tweens and teens who are between the ages of 12 and 18, and offers both in-person and virtual (online) session formats. A parent is required to attend the first 10 minutes or so of the initial Intake session with the youth, during which there will be a discussion of the legal expectations of confidentiality. If the youth is comfortable finishing the session alone with the therapist, the parent may step out. But if the youth prefers, the parent may also remain present for the whole session. The most important thing is that the youth feels safe and comfortable.
In these sessions, our therapists create an atmosphere of safety for the client, empathizing with their situation and helping the client connect more to their own awareness and needs. By using a variety of therapeutic modalities, our therapists can provide tools/strategies to support a client in a way that fits well with their personality and lifestyle needs. Individual counselling sessions are 50 minutes in length. Depending upon the age of the youth, parents will be asked to attend parts of each session (usually the last 10 minutes or so), or to attend a full session of their own, once every 3 sessions or so that the youth attends.