Managing Stress and Building Resiliency

Leduc/Beaumont/Devon Primary Care Network #301 4710 - 50th Street, Leduc, AB

Tacit Knowledge will be partnering with the Leduc/Devon/Beaumont Primary Care Network, as staff participate in a course on Managing Stress and Building Resiliency. The human brain is wired before birth to notice and respond automatically to the negatives in life. But the art of becoming resilient is a learned process that requires the development of new […]

De-Escalating Tense Interactions with the Public

City of Beaumont 5600 49 Street, Beaumont, Canada

When working with the general public is part of an organization’s mandate, the relationships that are created can sometimes be challenging.  When the public’s perspective of their own wants and needs are not aligned with the task requirements of the organization, interactions between a citizen and a staff member can become heated, tense and even […]

De-Escalating Tense Interactions with the Public

City of Beaumont 5600 49 Street, Beaumont, Canada

When working with the general public is part of an organization’s mandate, the relationships that are created can sometimes be challenging.  When the public’s perspective of their own wants and needs are not aligned with the task requirements of the organization, interactions between a citizen and a staff member can become heated, tense and even […]