Managing Anger Effectively


Anger is a normal, healthy emotion - but when it is not properly supported, it can start to get the better of us.  Anger released outward can become violent and aggressive - relationships with others begin to suffer.  Anger stuffed inward becomes depression - and our own confidence and ability to function in every day […]


Successfully Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)


Did you know that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) does not just happen in the winter?  Did you know that SAD effects women more than men? More than 20% of our Canadian population suffers from various degrees of SAD, at different times throughout the year. Another 5-20% will be impacted by the symptoms of SAD, even […]


Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

Supporting Someone Who Is Dealing With A Mental Health Issue


1 in 3 Canadians suffer with mental health issues every year.  Do you know what to do to help someone in your life as they are trying to manage?  Would that person end up feeling supported or controlled by (and therefore be resistant to) your efforts? Knowing how to provide the appropriate support and encouragement […]

How To Cope With The Modern World


Join us for the How To Cope With The Modern World  Workshops Series, designed to help participants handle the tensions that form as opinions sometimes become polarized around issues like the LGBTQIA+ world, book-banning rallies, vaccines and anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, etc.  The sessions in this series will focus on how to Find Forgiveness, Build Resiliency, […]

Forgiveness – And Letting Go!


When a relationship we have been in has involved a betrayal, or an abandonment/loss, or a lack of caring/support, many of us find ourselves living with a deep sense of hurt and pain.  This is often referred to as "emotional baggage" - unresolved feelings connected to a past or current relationship that we perhaps prefer […]

Forgiveness – And Letting Go!


When a relationship we have been in has involved a betrayal, or an abandonment/loss, or a lack of caring/support, many of us find ourselves living with a deep sense of hurt and pain.  This is often referred to as "emotional baggage" - unresolved feelings connected to a past or current relationship that we perhaps prefer […]

Forgiveness – And Letting Go!


When a relationship we have been in has involved a betrayal, or an abandonment/loss, or a lack of caring/support, many of us find ourselves living with a deep sense of hurt and pain.  This is often referred to as "emotional baggage" - unresolved feelings connected to a past or current relationship that we perhaps prefer […]

Forgiveness – And Letting Go!


When a relationship we have been in has involved a betrayal, or an abandonment/loss, or a lack of caring/support, many of us find ourselves living with a deep sense of hurt and pain.  This is often referred to as "emotional baggage" - unresolved feelings connected to a past or current relationship that we perhaps prefer […]

Life After The Kids Become Adults

Leduc County Family Resource Network 1 Alexandra Park, Leduc, AB, Canada

It's a huge step for a family when the teens become young adults - they step into a whole new world of responsibility, and our roles as parents change dramatically.  Join us to learn how to navigate the changing relationship with your children as they move into adulthood (and often, out of the home).  We […]