Finding Happiness
April 28 @ 1:00 pm - May 16 @ 2:30 pm

For such a simple concept, the search for true happiness can be quite elusive. The more we chase it, the harder it seems to be to find. People often feel as though finding happiness is dependent upon the circumstances around them, and this lack of control over external factors lessens their ability to feel the happiness within. T
Join Tacit Knowledge as we present “Finding Happiness” – in partnership with ELLA (Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association). This is a 3 week course (1 hour each day) that will be offered in-person, at the University of Alberta, from April 26th to May 16th inclusive. Classes run from 1:10pm to 2:10pm, Monday to Friday (15 days total)..
This course will help participants understand how to recognize what will truly make them happy, and provides steps that can be taken to create this satisfaction, joy and purpose in life, regardless of the challenges that also exist. “Finding Happiness” includes an increased awareness about what happiness really is (including the types of happiness that we know exist) – an understanding of the intrinsic foundation that happiness must be built on (as opposed to hedonic pursuits that create barriers to real happiness) – familiarity with the neuroscience around the concept of happiness – recognition of some of the obstacles to happiness (like imposter syndrome, concepts of false success, the issue of feeling “lazy”, stage of life shifts, etc) – the sharing of various happiness formulas – and a toolbox of strategies that help build happiness into one’s life.
This course is being taught by Kim Silverthorn BA, RPC, MPCC, CT – from Tacit Knowledge. Kim has over 34 years of experience as a therapist, and often works with individuals (and organizations) who are trying to effectively address various mental wellness issues in their lives.
To register for this course: please contact ELLA directly – Course Offerings – Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association (ELLA). To take a course thru ELLA, participants become a member (for a very small fee of $25.00/yr) – bursaries ARE available if requested. All courses are free for members.
More information about ELLA – The Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association emerged as part of a 1976 University of Alberta Faculty of Extension spring program designed for mature adults. From there, a group of dedicated individuals created ELLA in 2001, a non-profit society registered under the Province of Alberta Societies Act. By 2002, ELLA achieved charitable status from the Canada Revenue Agency’s Charitable Division and began to offer courses as part of a three-week spring session on the University of Alberta campus.
ELLA has grown from 65 members in 2002 to approximately 1,000 members in 2023, all of whom continue to enjoy the benefits of lifelong learning. Our courses are taught by talented professors and others who are experts in their fields, with many course suggestions made by members. ELLA is overseen by a volunteer board and relies on the contributions of many other volunteers to offer unique learning opportunities to members. Full membership is available for a small fee to anyone over 50 years of age, and those under 50 can become non-voting associate members.